Courage for Christ

19 Jan

Read Philippians 1: 27-29

27 Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in one spirit, contending as one man for the faith of the gospel 28 without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you. This is a sign to them that they will be destroyed, but that you will be saved–and that by God. 29 For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for him,

Susan and Tina sat in the school lunch room discussing the oral book reports they had given in class that morning. “I wish the reports had been written,” said Susan. “I just hate standing up there talking in front of everybody!”

“Me, too!” Tina replied.

The girls were almost finished with lunch  when a commotion erupted at the next table, where several older boys were sitting. Susan recognized Ken, who lived on her street. Tim, who attended her church, was there, too.

The boys were laughing and teasing Tim. One boy grabbed Tim’s milk and poured it on the table. Susan heard Jesus’ name being mentioned mockingly. Tim fought back tears as he began to wipe up the milk.

Suddenly Ken stood up, and motioned to the others. They all rose, laughing, and joined Ken as he began to sing tauntingly “stand up, stand up for Jesus!” It was a hymn Susan had often sung, but Ken was using it to make fun of Jesus and Ken, too.

Susan hesitated just one moment. Then she got up from the table and stood quietly, looking at the boys. She didn’t say anything; she just stood there

Ken saw her and blushed. She could tell he was ashamed. He sat down quickly, and the other boys followed. He didn’t look her way again.

Tina had been watching. “Why did you do that? she asked when Susan sat down.

“Well I guess it’s because I love Jesus, and when you care about someone you stick up for them,: replied Susan. “I wanted those boys to know that I would stand up for Jesus anytime.”

“You really mean it, don’t you? said Tina. “You’re afraid to give a report in front of the class, but you stood up in front of all those boys because of Jesus.” After a short pause, she added. “You’ve tried to tell me about Jesus before, but it just didn’t seem that important. I think I’d like to hear more about him now.”

How about you?

Do you feel sad if someone makes fun of Jesus?

He loved you enough to die for you?

Do you love him enough to stand up for Him?

You can do that quietly without arguing or fighting.


“Whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My father who is in Heaven.” Mathew 10;32 NKJV


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